The wax on the terrazzo gave it some shine, but it also attracted dirt and scratched easily, as you can see in this BEFORE image.
Here is the terrazzo entrance, AFTER refinishing.
This BEFORE image shows how yellow the terrazzo looked before honing and polishing.
AFTER restoration the terrazzo looked clean and bright.
This AFTER image shows the same hallway as the previous image after our restoration work. Notice the beautiful, natural polish.
Terrazzo stripped, repaired, refinished, and sealed
Terrazzo Floor in Poor Condition
The terrazzo floor in the lobby of a Boston government building was very unsightly due to years of wax coating build up, embedded dirt, traffic scratch/scuff patterns, yellowing, and dullness. The ongoing janitorial maintenance procedures were time-consuming, costly, inconvenient, and did not produce the desired results.
Our Lasting Solution: A True Terrazzo Polish
Wax coatings give Terrazzo a false shine that does not last. It must be continually stripped and reapplied. We stripped and scraped off several years of wax coatings and repaired crack and holes using tinted epoxy and aggregates. Then, we ground the entire floor flat, to eliminate any remaining surface damage and honed and polished the terrazzo to a beautiful, natural gloss finish. Our final step was to apply impregnating sealer to inhibit staining.
To learn more, visit our Terrazzo Services page.